Each and every domain that is registered and hosted has a great deal of DNS records - some of them are set up automatically when you host a domain, others can be set up by hand if needed. For example, the A record of a domain is its IP address i.e. this record shows where the site is located; the MX records reveal where the emails are stored, while through an SRV record you can use a domain for unconventional purposes, including a Voice-over-IP service. To be able to set up and modify specific records enables you to have different services with different companies if, for example, your current host provides stable web hosting, but has problems with the e-mail service, or you simply prefer to get a certain service from a certain company. While you will be able to set up and modify these records freely and without any restrictions as you own a given domain name, lots of companies charge extra to give you this option.

Full DNS Management in Cloud Hosting

With each and every cloud hosting that we offer you can create, remove or modify any DNS record for any domain address or subdomain hosted in your account effortlessly. The Hepsia Control Panel we offer with the shared accounts has a simple and intuitive tool that will allow you to see all present records and set up new ones with simply a couple of clicks. You'll be able to set up A, MX, CNAME, TXT, SRV or AAAA records, that will offer you full control over your domain addresses plus the chance to pick the company which will provide you with a given service. For instance, if your website is on our state-of-the-art cloud platform, it will need a couple of clicks to direct your e-mails to be managed by a different provider. As opposed to other registrar and web hosting companies, we don't charge an additional fee to provide you the DNS management service.